Function Registration and Tracing

Function registration is the ability to define new nodes in the symbolic graph. This is useful because symbolic computing is declarative, i.e. symbolic computations express what should be computed, not how it should be computed. However, at some level someone must describe how a given operation is computed. These are the primitive functions, and a symbolic expression is made up of primitive functions.

Symbolics.jl comes pre-registered with a large set of standard mathematical functions, like * and sin to special functions like erf, and even deeper operations like DataInterpolations.jl's AbstractInterpolation. However, in many cases you may need to add your own function, i.e. you may want to give an imperative code and use this to define a new symbolic code. Symbolics.jl calls the declaration of new declarative primitives from an imperative function definition registration. This page describes both the registration process and its companion process, tracing, for interacting with code written in Julia.

Direct Tracing

Because Symbolics expressions respect Julia semantics, one way to generate symbolic expressions is to simply place Symbolics variables as inputs into existing Julia code. For example, the following uses the standard Julia function for the Lorenz equations to generate the symbolic expression for the Lorenz equations:

using Symbolics
function lorenz(du,u,p,t)
 du[1] = 10.0(u[2]-u[1])
 du[2] = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
 du[3] = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]
@variables t p[1:3] u(t)[1:3]
du = Array{Any}(undef, 3)
3-element Vector{Any}:
                       10.0(-(u(t))[1] + (u(t))[2])
          -(u(t))[2] + (u(t))[1]*(28.0 - (u(t))[3])
 -2.6666666666666665(u(t))[3] + (u(t))[1]*(u(t))[2]

Or similarly:

@variables t x(t) y(t) z(t) dx(t) dy(t) dz(t) σ ρ β
du = [dx,dy,dz]
u = [x,y,z]
p = [σ,ρ,β]

\[ \begin{equation} \left[ \begin{array}{c} 10 \left( - x\left( t \right) + y\left( t \right) \right) \\ - y\left( t \right) + x\left( t \right) \left( 28 - z\left( t \right) \right) \\ - 2.6667 z\left( t \right) + x\left( t \right) y\left( t \right) \\ \end{array} \right] \end{equation} \]

Note that what has been done here is that the imperative Julia code for the function lorenz has been transformed into a declarative symbolic graph. Importantly, the code of lorenz is transformed into an expression consisting only of primitive registered functions, things like * and -, which come pre-registered with Symbolics.jl This then allows for symbolic manipulation of the expressions, allowing things like simplification and operation reordering done on its generated expressions.

Utility and Scope of Tracing

This notably describes one limitation of tracing: tracing only works if the expression being traced is composed of already registered functions. If unregistered functions, such as calls to C code, are used, then the tracing process will error.

However, we note that symbolic tracing by definition does not guarantee that the exact choices. The symbolic expressions may re-distribute the arithmetic, simplify out expressions, or do other modifications. Thus if this function is function is sensitive to numerical details in its calculation, one would not want to trace the function and thus would instead register it as a new primitive function.

For the symbolic system to be as powerful in its manipulations as possible, it is recommended that the registration of functions be minimized to the simplest possible set, and thus registration should only be used when necessary. This is because any code within a registered function is treated as a blackbox imperative code that cannot be manipulated, thus decreasing the potential for simplifications.

Registering Functions

The Symbolics graph only allows registered Julia functions within its type. All other functions are automatically traced down to registered functions. By default, Symbolics.jl pre-registers the common functions utilized in SymbolicUtils.jl and pre-defines their derivatives. However, the user can utilize the @register_symbolic macro to add their function to allowed functions of the computation graph.

Additionally, @register_array_symbolic can be used to define array functions. For size propagation it's required that a computation of how the sizes are computed is also supplied.

Defining Derivatives of Registered Functions

In order for symbolic differentiation to work, an overload of Symbolics.derivative is required. The syntax is derivative(typeof(f), args::NTuple{i,Any}, ::Val{j}) where i is the number of arguments to the function and j is which argument is being differentiated. So for example:

function derivative(::typeof(min), args::NTuple{2,Any}, ::Val{1})
    x, y = args
    IfElse.ifelse(x < y, one(x), zero(x))

is the partial derivative of the Julia min(x,y) function with respect to x.


Downstream symbolic derivative functionality only work if every partial derivative that is required in the derivative expression is defined. Note that you only need to define the partial derivatives which are actually computed.

Registration of Array Functions

Similar to scalar functions, array functions can be registered to define new primitives for functions which either take in or return arrays. This is done by using the @register_array_symbolic macro. It acts similarly to the scalar function registration but requires a calculation of the input and output sizes. For example, let's assume we wanted to have a function that computes the solution to Ax = b, i.e. a linear solve, using an SVD factorization. In Julia, the code for this would be svdsolve(A,b) = svd(A)\b. We would create this function as follows:

using LinearAlgebra, Symbolics

svdsolve(A, b) = svd(A)\b
@register_array_symbolic svdsolve(A::AbstractMatrix, b::AbstractVector) begin
    size = size(b)
    eltype = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(b))

Now using the function svdsolve with symbolic array variables will be kept lazy:

@variables A[1:3, 1:3] b[1:3]

\[ \begin{equation} \mathrm{svdsolve}\left( A, b \right) \end{equation} \]

Note that at this time array derivatives cannot be defined.

Registration API

@register_symbolic(expr, define_promotion = true, Ts = [Real])

Overload appropriate methods so that Symbolics can stop tracing into the registered function. If define_promotion is true, then a promotion method in the form of

SymbolicUtils.promote_symtype(::typeof(f_registered), args...) = Real # or the annotated return type

is defined for the register function. Note that when defining multiple register overloads for one function, all the rest of the registers must set define_promotion to false except for the first one, to avoid method overwriting.


@register_symbolic foo(x, y)
@register_symbolic foo(x, y::Bool) false # do not overload a duplicate promotion rule
@register_symbolic goo(x, y::Int) # `y` is not overloaded to take symbolic objects
@register_symbolic hoo(x, y)::Int # `hoo` returns `Int`

See @register_array_symbolic to register functions which return arrays.

@register_array_symbolic(expr, define_promotion = true)


# Let's say vandermonde takes an n-vector and returns an n x n matrix
@register_array_symbolic vandermonde(x::AbstractVector) begin
    size=(length(x), length(x))
    eltype=eltype(x) # optional, will default to the promoted eltypes of x

You can also register calls on callable structs:

@register_array_symbolic (c::Conv)(x::AbstractMatrix) begin
    size=size(x) .- size(c.kernel) .+ 1
    eltype=promote_type(eltype(x), eltype(c))

If define_promotion = true then a promotion method in the form of

SymbolicUtils.promote_symtype(::typeof(f_registered), args...) = # inferred or annotated return type

is defined for the register function. Note that when defining multiple register overloads for one function, all the rest of the registers must set define_promotion to false except for the first one, to avoid method overwriting.


Direct Registration API (Advanced, Experimental)


This is a lower level API which is not as stable as the macro APIs.

In some circumstances you may need to use the direct API in order to define registration on functions or types without using the macro. This is done by directly defining dispatches on symbolic objects.

A good example of this is DataInterpolations.jl's interpolations object. On an interpolation by a symbolic variable, we generate the symbolic function (the term) for the interpolation function. This looks like:

using DataInterpolations, Symbolics, SymbolicUtils
(interp::AbstractInterpolation)(t::Num) = SymbolicUtils.term(interp, unwrap(t))

In order for this to work, it is required that we define the symtype for the symbolic type inference. This is done via:

SymbolicUtils.promote_symtype(t::AbstractInterpolation, args...) = Real

Additionally a symbolic name is required:

Base.nameof(interp::AbstractInterpolation) = :Interpolation

The derivative is defined similarly to the macro case:

function Symbolics.derivative(interp::AbstractInterpolation, args::NTuple{1, Any}, ::Val{1})
    Symbolics.unwrap(derivative(interp, Symbolics.wrap(args[1])))